Campsites & Cabin Rentals

2025 Rates

Rates are for 2 adults and up to 4 children per site.

Minimum stays apply for holiday dates.*
Visa, MasterCard and Discover Cards accepted!

Gas Saver Weekends!
Visit back-to-back without towing.

From the beginning of our season through Fourth of July, and Labor Day through the end of our season, stay two nights each on back-to-back weekends for regular price and leave the trailer here, unoccupied, during the week for $35.00. Two weekends maximum. Select sites only.
Please call us at (603) 357-5777, or toll-free at 1-888-355-2267, with your questions as you review the information below. If you miss us by phone, leave a message! We will return your call promptly and answer all your questions. To request a reservation now, click here, then complete and submit the form.

* Weekend minimums: We have a two-night minimum for all weekend reservations.
* Holiday minimum stays: Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, and Columbus Day weekends – three night minimums for all sites.
* One-night reservations: Sunday through Thursday, require full payment in advance and are non-refundable.

Our check-in time is 2:00 PM, and our check-out time is 12:00 NOON.


Water, Electric & Sewer (30 or 50 amp) & Riverfront Water & Electric (30 amp only)

Daily • $54.00 Weekly (7 nights) • $324.00 Monthly (28 nights) • $1,134.00

Riverfront Water, Electric & Sewer (see map)
Premier Riverfront Water & Electric (sites 26, 27, 28 and 29 – 30 amp)
Pull-Thru Sites (see map)

Daily • $59.00 Weekly (7 nights) • $354.00 Monthly (28 nights) • $1,239.00

Wooded Water & Electric Sites (50 amp, sites 56-68)
“honey wagon” pumping service at $20 per visit

Daily • $49.00 Weekly (7 nights) • $294.00 Monthly (28 nights) • $1,029.00
7 night maximum stay for tents.

Rustic Camping Cabins

Maple Cabin Exterior at Ashuelot River Campground
Maple Cabin Exterior
Maple Cabin Interior at Ashuelot River Campground
Maple Cabin Interior
Pine Cabin Exterior at Ashuelot River Campground
Pine Cabin Exterior
Chateau Hemlock Exterior at Ashuelot River Campground
Hemlock Cabin Exterior
Chateau Hemlock Interior at Ashuelot River Campground
Hemlock Cabin Interior
Chateau Hemlock Interior at Ashuelot River Campground
Hemlock Cabin Interior
Maple (Sleeps 4), 1 double bed & 1 bunk
$72.00 Daily • $432.00 Weekly (7 nights)
Hemlock (Sleeps 4), 2 bunk beds
$72.00 Daily • $432.00 Weekly (7 nights)
Pine (Sleeps 2), 1 double bed
$67.00 Daily • $402.00 Weekly (7 nights)

There is water to the cabins, but no electricity and no plumbing. Campers bring their own mattresses or sleeping pads. Cabins are located close to the bath house and each unit has parking, a fire ring, picnic table and private space to gather. Smoking is not permitted in the cabins and pets are not allowed. 7-night maximum for all cabins. Cabins are subject to an 8.5% New Hampshire lodging tax.

2025 Seasonal Sites

Seasonal sites include water and sewer, with metered electric, from May 1 through October 14.
Note: There are no remaining seasonal sites available for 2025.

Accessible RV Sites

One of our goals is universal accessibility. The accessible RV sites will be held open until all other sites have been occupied. Please call at least one week in advance and at least two weeks ahead for holidays and summer weekends.

Early Check-In / Late Check-Out
Early check-in must be arranged in advance: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM - $10.00
Late departure, when available: Noon to 5:00 PM - $10.00

Overnight Guests
Additional guests on each site are welcome at an additional charge per night of
$10.00 per adult / $5.00 per child (under 18)

Day Visitors
All visitors must check in on arrival and plan to depart by 9:00 PM. The day-use fee is $5.00 per adult for visits two hours or more. No charge for children under 18. Visitors need to leave their pets at home.

WiFi and coffee service are available at all times at the office.
Ice, Firewood, Candy and Basic Supplies are available in our store.
Washers and Dryers are located in the Game Room.<


Canoe, Kayak & Bike Rental Rates

Canoe Rental Rates

Canoes include life preservers and paddles for 2 people.
Full Day (up to 9 hours):
Registered Campers $35.00 | Day Visitors $45.00
Half Day (up to 5 hours):
Registered Campers $20.00 | Day Visitors $30.00
Life Preserver or Paddle charge for additional people:
$5.00 per person

Kayak Rental Rates

Kayaks include a life preserver and paddle for 1 person.
Full Day (up to 9 hours):
Registered Campers $35.00 | Day Visitors $45.00
Half Day (up to 5 hours):
Registered Campers $20.00 | Day Visitors $30.00

River Shuttle Fees

To put-in at Cresson Bridge (90-minutes downstream):
$30.00 for the first 2 boats; $5.00 for each additional boat – your boats or ours
To put-in in Keene (3-hours downstream):
$40.00 for the first 2 boats; $5.00 for each additional boat – your boats or ours

Bike Rental Rates

Full Day (up to 9 hours):
Registered Campers $30.00 | Day Visitors $40.00
Half Day (up to 5 hours):
Registered Campers $20.00 | Day Visitors $30.00

Reservation Request

While we will do our best to accommodate specific site requests, in general, reservations are made according to site type (W/E, W/E/S), not number. There may be occasions when we may need to shift site assignments to accommodate the needs of all guests.

Payments and Cancellations
For all non-holiday reservations we require a 50% deposit, balance due upon arrival. Holiday weekend reservations require full payment at the time of confirmation. Cancellations made 14 days or more before arrival: full refund minus the $10 administration fee for all reservations. For cancellations made fewer than 14 days before arrival there is no refund of deposit. One night reservations require full payment in advance and are non-refundable.

No-Show, No-Call
If you fail to call in the event of a schedule change or cancellation, we reserve the right to re-sell your site as of 12:00 noon on the second day of your reservation, AND the full cost of the original reservation will be applied.

Spam Harvester Protection Network
provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: Yo13u7 may be 1m3ak0ing u4fse of55e au2t0oma1ted4 f71orbm-f5iel8l8a1inf3gb software. Thids type ao9f 9fsfoft1ware cadn trigfger 2four 3hidbd2e4n spam-detec7tiobn system,2 which 7wi747ll bleocbk8 youa9 fr8om 5submitt3eing this fdorm. Please sfelec6t Fix Thidsed8ec5b4 217094f0ff93bdbe84cfcdd6a4de1a696f0o15c1r3eb7d206282136c 3b615c10c2o2d2m9p7leatbin27gc 85the65 fdoac4f2rm 9i0f8n do40re1de3r ct6o 2d4co2ab64d66rre3cctbf fect312ehb6de cpr3ob5lee2ma.
Important: You m1ayf be cmaaking 3use 8ofa automaat1fed foerm-filling 5software7.58 cThis 3t4ype of sof5twarae dcan3 trigger ouer hidden spam-d02etection sycstem, which 4wi5ll block you fro1m 2sucbmi4ttingc th7is forbm. Ite cappeeear8se tfhdat the problem could not be automatic1ally5 4correctded. Ple5ase cle0ar0 any 0fiefldd which appearas 1baelowe b8wit8h corresponding i6nsctructions45bf9d169134ea7fa6fbd9749 b091e3eacedf337orfa309e9dec4d3c 6f314b4b165d040accompleedting th0e ffffor8m in o2rder135 t8eo 5coc7rre8ct t64bhe a7pbroblefefmc. We apolo85giz7e for3f the 8in2conven5ienceee 78a05nd 7we 7ap4p0re0cieat5e cyo15urd 5d6un25d8ers9tandif2n4g.5
Please complete the form below and click "send" to make your request.
An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
We will call you promptly and take credit card information to guarantee your reservation.
We'll use Primary Phone, Secondary Phone and E-mail, in that order, to contact you.
If you need to confirm your reservation immediately, please call.
I have read the Guidelines and Policies
and understand that failure to abide by the expectations of the campground
may result in cancellation of stay without refund.
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Important: You m08ay9c be makicng use of automated 8aforma-fiblling softwa9re. Thisa type of softwfar6e can t1rige4ger ob115ur hidden spa2am-det6ec3teion sysateem, which wille bloc7k9 y3ou from submitting 2thi41s03 f9orm. 2It appears 68t4hat2 the pro8ble64m coulde3 no8t be a0utoma9tically5 dcorrecte85d. Please c6leare any ficeld whicfh apfp4ears above with 5co1rresponding 3instructions39018c4121774 bf03ad2f0e764fe2ef362aeea8d9671bo379frde39192 289d9daf513cccomp9l046et2in9g7 thbe 4fdo0rma09 inc0 order 6bto64 correact 99thed p55roblebemff.5 7Wf1ec80 apolo1gize f0odr the in1conveni7eance485e an0d we app6recieat1e 1your u343nde7r224sta37ndd6ing.6
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